Well another huge step is complete… INSULATION 23 June 2015

Well it does not seem like a lot but many big changes have happened with the Tiny house. Siding is almost complete and the insulation went in today.

Right side of house with siding.

Right side of house with siding.

"Front" rear end of trailer. Hangover and top end will be sided the same as sides.

“Front” rear end of trailer. Hangover and top end will be sided the same as sides.

Looking towards the front door with the insulation installed.

Looking towards the front door with the insulation installed.

Looking at my loft end with the insulation installed.

Looking at my loft end with the insulation installed.

A wall completely insulated.

A wall completely insulated.

Showing the insulation as it is put in place. Two inches of 3 lb closed cell foam.

Showing the insulation as it is put in place. Two inches of 3 lb closed cell foam.

Inside of tiny house with only refrigerator in it. I had to clean it out for the insulators. It felt so big.

Inside of tiny house with only refrigerator in it. I had to clean it out for the insulators. It felt so big.

Front "rear" end " of trailer. Hangover and top end will be sided the same as sides.

Front “rear” end ” of trailer. Hangover and top end will be sided the same as sides.

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